
PhysiMap Application was created to draw physical maps according to data files.

The application reads data that is stored as tabulated text in three separate files. These files can be converted from e.g. Excel spreadsheet. The output files are PNG images that show physical maps. The program can create one or more images according to user preferences.

The user preferences are defined in configuration file that application reads when it is executed. By changing content of configuration file the user can define how the data is presented. User may define e.g. number of images, image size, number of rows, scale, space between rows, line widths.

The application is written in Java. It requires Java 1.3 or newer and Java Advanced imaging API. Because it may handle large images it may require lots of memory to work. Exact memory requirements depend on size of images.

The program was written by Tuomas Polvi.

Contact information

050-504 9944
Vakaaja AT
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